Vinn Feng: Transient

中國藝術家 Vinn Feng 《Transient》展覧


TIME   30 JULY – 31 AUGUST, 2021   |   LOCATION   ArzBrew Gallery   |   CATEGORY   EXHIBITION


ArtzBrew Gallery is pleased to announce the representation of Shanghai-based artist Vinn Feng ahead of her inaugural solo exhibition ‘Transient. Feng will be the first Asian female emerging artist showing at the gallery’s new space located in the heart of Hong Kong’s art and cultural district, Sai Wan. Transient will open on July 30, 2021, which also marks the grand opening of ArtzBrew Gallery.

ArtzBrew 畫廊欣然呈獻《Transient》展覧,作為中國藝術家 Vinn Feng被畫廊代理後的首次個展。Feng亦是首位在本畫廊位於香港藝術文化中心地帶西環的新空間展出的亞洲新銳女性藝術家。《Transient》將於2021年7月30日開幕,同時標誌著ArtzBrew畫廊的盛大開幕。


Exhibition Overview


Transient comprises ten prints, one installation and 30 sculptural works, including 20 of which and the prints are created exclusively for the exhibition. These sculptures are shaped in irregular, organic forms that seem to be moving on their own. Feng explains the forms and patterns on both her print works and sculptural works, transforming intriguing objects in real life into her sketches and developing those sketches back to her sculptural works. Through this process of 2D>3D>2D, Feng is able to give the original objects a new meaning and find joy from within. Feng also encourages the audience to come up with their association while looking at the works.

The room-size installation work ‘We have to be very strong if we want to do something very wrong,’ 2015, is also selected to celebrate the relevance of representative work in a conceptual world. The name of this exhibition ‘Transient, is an extension of the installation work ‘We have to be very strong if we want to do something very wrong. The room is created with an innovative material Mylar and LED lights, where the audience is invited to immerse into the space of reflection and mystic lighting. Fractions of distortional reflected images caused from the movement of the audience as one walks through the installation move toward a new level of abstraction; the artist invites the audience to contemplate questions about what is real and what is an illusion from these constant transient changes of perception.

As a solo traveller from a young age, Feng focuses on transforming her social experiences worldwide into different visual riddles. Her sculptural works deconstruct physical and mental elements to encode the indescribable feelings about interpersonal communication, both playfully and thoughtfully, Through the colours and shapes that convey a sense of lightness and ephemerality. Feng hopes to unfold, envelop, and question the unsaid and the underneath. Yet, she does not intend to decode the riddles; instead, she lets them flow, stay in-between, and left unsaid in an intriguing way.


展覧中的裝置作品“We have to be very strong if we want to do something very wrong”, 2015 則是把展覧中的其他作品的概念世界升華並擴展成現實中的空間。是次展覽的名稱《Transient》,也是“We have to be very strong if we want to do something very wrong” 的延伸。空間內採用創新材料MYLAR和 LED 燈管打造,邀請觀眾沉浸在光線隨意折射的神祕空間中。觀眾在裝置中由移動過程引起的空間與視覺扭曲,次方式反射的圖像會像碎片一般朝著一個新的抽象層次移動。藝術家邀請觀眾思考在這些轉瞬即逝的景象中感知真實與幻象的繁複交錯。


About Vinn Feng

關於 Vinn Feng


Vinn Feng is a multi-media artist from China. After Vinn received her BFA from Alfred University in New York, she moved to Japan to pursue her MFA in Global Art Practice at Tokyo University of the Arts. Her works are featured and exhibited at Turner Gallery (Alfred, New York) and Château de Chambord (France). Vinn Feng is now based in Shanghai and is a member of the international artist collective Chaotichaotic.

Vinn Feng 是來自中國的混合媒介藝術家。在紐約阿爾弗雷德大學獲得學士學位後,她移居日本,在東京藝術大學攻讀全球藝術實踐碩士學位。她的作品曾在紐約Turner Gallery和法國Château de Chambord 中展出。 Vinn Feng現居上海,是國際藝術家團體Chaotichaotic的成員。

Photo Gallery


About ArtzBrew Gallery

關於 ArtzBrew 畫廊

Artzbrew’s mission is to promote creativity, learning and growth in the careers of artists, and to inspire passion and appreciation for arts and culture in the public.

Artzbrew advocates accessibility to contemporary arts and culture for artists, the community and wider audiences throughout Hong Kong and further afield by providing numerous diverse exhibition and event opportunities within its 2 storey exhibition spaces and off-site. The gallery supports the creative freedom of artists by providing an open framework in which to experiment and test out new approaches to artistic practices, exhibition organization and initiatives.

Artist-organized solo and group exhibitions are emphasized, however, exhibition and event proposals are also welcome from curators, collectives, designers, critics, scholars, students, community, literary, musical and cultural groups.

Artzbrew 的使命是促進藝術家職業生涯中的創造力,並激發公眾對藝術和文化的熱情。

Artzbrew 于其兩層展覽空間和場外展覽空間內舉行多元化的展覽和活動,為香港及其他地區的藝術家、社區和更廣泛的觀眾宣傳當代藝術和文化。畫廊通過提供一個開放的框架來支持藝術家的創作自由。我們專注以藝術家為重心的個展和群展,并歡迎策展人、藝術團體、設計師、評論家、學者、學生、社區、文學、音樂和文化團體提出展覽和活動建議。